Welcome to ZZ Meditations

If you are curious, want to be free of stress, anxiety, fear, a restless mind, autoimmune disease, attachments, and improve your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. It’s not necessarily for the faint-hearted, but it is honest and from the heart. I have learned a lot the hard way, and I write to help others on their journey. Mostly, but not solely.


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Almost two decades ago, I burned out at work. The stress was simply too much for me, and my autoimmune disease went into overdrive. I had to leave my old life behind and barely made it out alive.

Forced to change, I delved into the subject of the mind, realizing how it governs everything in our lives.

  • I have been free of an incurable disease for over fifteen years (knock on wood).
  • I enjoy peace and happiness in my life, and despite this challenging experience, I feel lucky to have gone through the ordeal.

In my writing, I share my experiences, perspectives, and lessons in the hopes of helping others, broadening people’s horizons, and having a little fun writing.

I hope you find it helpful on your journey or at least entertaining and thought-provoking.

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Since most of my readers are relatively new, I thought it would be okay if I included these. I’ll call this “the people’s vote.” These are the articles with the most views. Check them out.  Perhaps there’s a reason for their traction. I don’t know. I like them all. I am a bit biased.

ZZ Meditations

Waking up to the truth can be a harrowing experience. Sometimes, ignorance is indeed bliss.

120 years in retrospect. Spoiler alert: that’s just subjective nonsense, but I get the cynicism.

I know some things are lacking, but what are you thankful for? I’ll start with listing 100 items of my own!

A short story on what caused my burnout and how you can avoid it happening to you. A cautionary tale for the modern age.

Will the introduction of AI into our lives change “everything,” or will it be a nothing burger? Can AI truly transform the way we live and work?

Should you or should you not have children in these perilous times?


What even is a utopia? Are we thinking of the same thing? Are you sure?

A short, fictional story of my death and my experience of the afterlife. Did I go to heaven or hell? What, if anything, awaits us after we die? Follow along and find out.

What would you ask a conscious general artificial intelligence? Below is our conversation.

Trading Meditations

Do we have any power over the stress we experience in trading? Must trading be stressful?

Inflation, inflation, inflation – what can you do to preserve your purchasing power and capital? Is Bitcoin a good inflation hedge?

If you wish to one day thrive as a trader, you must first make sure that you’ll survive no matter what! Learn about risk and all the dangers that prey on you. First, you survive, then you thrive.

My publications:

I also write on other subjects. Check them out if you’re interested! On Substack (unlocked) or on Medium (locked for members).

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